Policy & Regulation

2.1 Scientific Research Activity

Bylaw on the Committee on the Scientific Research Activity of the Japan Section of the RSAI

2.2 Special Interest Group

Bylaw on the Special Interest Group of the Japan Section of the RSAI

2.3 Committee on the Publicity

Bylaw on the Committee on the Publicity of the Japan Section of the RSA

2.4 Member

Bylaw on the Honorable Member of the Japan Section of the RSAI

2.5 Journal

Bylaw on the Journal of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Bylaw on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Bylaw of the Refereeing Process for the Articles Submitted for the Journal, Studies in Regional Science
Bylaw of the Guideline for Authors of Articles in the Studies in Regional Science
Bylaw on the Copyright of Publications of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Bylaw on Electronic Journal of the Association Journal of JSRSAI
Bylaw of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International on regular subscription, back number sale, and online subscription

2.6 Association Prize

Bylaw on the Association Prize (Prize for Promising Young Scholar/Prize for Best Article/Prize for Distinguished Achievement) of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Bylaw on Award of Recognition of Best Books of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Minute Regulations on the Association Prize of the Japan Section of the RSAI

2.7 Membership Fee

Bylaw on the Membership Fee of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Bylaw which prescribes on the Membership Fees of the Japan Section of the RSAI
Bylaw of the Japan Section of the RSAI on Handling Charge of Remittance