
Period: Oct.12 – Oct.13, 2025 (Tentative)

Venue: Kansai University

*Call for presentations will open in April, 2025


At the 9th Board of Directors Meeting in 2024, the Membership Fee Rules and Regulations governing membership fees were revised, and the billing period for annual membership fees was changed.

As a result, the payment due date of the annual membership fee will change from the end of the previous year to the end of September of the current year.

We will be sending out invoices for annual membership dues for fiscal 2025 in order from April onward, so please make your payment by the end of September.

The membership fee for regular members will remain 13,000 yen, but the fee for payments made after the due date (October or later) will be 14,000 yen.

Thank you for your cooperation.




Period: Oct.12 – Oct.13, 2025 (Tentative)

Venue: Kansai University

*Call for presentations will open in April, 2025


We are pleased to announce that the Regulations of the Academic Committee were revised and its detailed regulations were enacted at the 9th Board of Directors Meeting in 2024, and the specific duties of the Committee were stipulated.




Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Volume 7, Issue 3 has been published.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Volume 7, Issue 2 has been published.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Volume 7, Issue 1 has been published.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Volume 6, Issue 3 has been published.


Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Volume 6, Issue 2 has been published.


PRSCO 2022 will be held August 1-4, 2022 in Kyoto, Japan.

For more information, please see this file.

PRSCO website


Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Volume 6, Issue 1 has been published.


The 58th (2021) annual meeting of JSRSAI was held online.

Date: October 9th (Sat) -10th (Sun), 2021

Host: Kochi University


Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI


We sent new Association Codes for APJRS to JSRSAI members who had paid 2020 membership fee and we recommend to register them. The new codes are valid until 30th April 2022. Please note that Springer link is the first page to log in (not APJRS site). If you are concerned member and have not received the e-mail yet, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


The Regulation for the Annual Meeting of the JSRSAI was revised at the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the JSRSAI held on Saturday, April 17, 2021 (addition of Article 9, Item 10).


The annual conference this year was held online.

This conference was operated by Toyo University.

Period of the meeting: December 12-13, 2020




We sent new Association Code for APJRS to JSRSAI members who had paid recent membership fee. Current code is valid until 30th April and we recommend to register new code until that. Please note that Springer link is the first page to log in (not APJRS site). If you are concerned member and have not received the e-mail yet, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Annual Meeting of the JSRSAI 2020 has been canceled due to the spread of Novel Coronavirus Disease.

The alternative is currently in consideration.



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Period: September13th (Fri.) – 15th (Sun.), 2019

Venue: Mii Campus, Kurume University (1635 Mii cho , Kurume City, Fukuoka)

Special Website


Collected Papers for Presentation


Date : Friday, September 13, 2019

Time : 08:45 – PM12:15

Venue: Mii Campus, Kurume University (1635 Mii cho, Kurume City, Fukuoka, Japan)
Room: 51A, 1st floor, Building No. 500



The Regional Science Academy, Special Academic Session

Signatures of Regional Science: IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF WALTER ISARD




Our journal has been open access; however, it will be closed from the beginning of 2019. The JSRSAI members who pay membership fee will be able to access the journal through registration. We have sent the association code for registration by e-mail. If you are concerned member and have not received the e-mail yet, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Susumu Uchida

Managing Editor, APJRS



15th PRSCO Summer Institute
“Regional studies in a context of high socio-economic, cultural and biological diversity”
July 4 to 6, 2018, Lima – Peru
The 15th Summer Institute of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) will be held in Lima – Peru and will be headed by the Department of Economics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
This academic discussion space, which is being developed every two years in different countries of the Pacific Basin, will have as its central motive regional studies in a context of socio-economic, cultural and biological diversity.
Abstract submission deadline: March 12, 2018
For more information, please visit to http://summerinstitute2018.org
PRSCO website: http://www.prsco.info


Date: May 29 – June 1, 2018

Venue: Birla Institute of Technology & Science: the K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India

Submission of Abstracts for Special Sessions and General Program Due : January 21, 2018

Click here for web page of the meeting


Period: 6th October (Fri) – 8th October (Sun), 2017

(Symposium held on 7th October (Sat) associated with Ritsumeikan Saturday lifelong symposium in 2017 (Draft))

Venue: Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus (Tojiin-Kitamachi, Kita-Ku, Kyoto)


Conference Program (Last updated : October 6, 2017)

Collected Papers for Presentation(Last updated : October 5, 2017)


The deadline of submission for special issue has extended to 1st May.


The call for paper to special issue on “Economic Analysis of Law, Politics, and Regions” is now open, which will be included in issue 2, vol.1 of APJRS. Please refer the bottom of “For authors and editors” in the right column of journal website (http://www.springer.com/journal/41685); “Call for Papers: Economic Analysis.”

Authors who prefer to be included in the special issue, please choose title of the special feature as the article type in EM. I am looking forward to take many submissions.

Call For Papers


We are delighted to announce that the first article of original paper has been published on APJRS (http://link.springer.com/journal/41685). All articles will be open to the public until the end of 2018 and anyone can brouse and download the articles for free. Accepted papers will be individually published online, regardless of the publication timing of the issue. Please note that articles will become closed and paid service from 2019, however, members of JSRSAI will be issued with access codes to brouse and download articles for free.


APJRS invites scholars to submit a special issue/special feature proposal. Both of open/closed (only invited) styles are acceptable on Call for papers, and the submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed with double-blinded system similar as general submission. If 12 or more manuscripts will be submitted, it will be the special issue, and if the number of manuscripts will be five or more but less than 12, it will be published as the special feature with other general articles. If you have ideas, please feel free to contact us with theme and abstract.


The call for paper to special issue on “Economic Analysis of Law, Politics, and Regions” is now open, which will be included in issue 2, vol.1 of APJRS. The deadline is 1st Apr. Please refer the bottom of “For authors and editors” in the right column of journal website (http://www.springer.com/journal/41685); “Call for Papers: Economic Analysis.”

Authors who prefer to be included in the special issue, please choose title of the special feature as the article type in EM. I am looking forward to take many submissions.



The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International is delighted to announce that a new Journal “Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science” will be published from Springer in 2017 April. We hope many submissions of manuscripts which are in relation to regional science of Asia or pacific regions. Authors are requested to submit manuscripts via Editorial Manager from the URL below.


Authors who had used Editorial Manager of “Studies in Regional Science” are recommended to try “Send Login Details” first. If the name and e-mail address is registered to “Studies in Regional Science”, the password for new journal will be delivered. Other authors can be delivered ID and password from “Register now.”


Date: 27th Mon. – 29th Wed., June 2016

Venue: Dusit Thani Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Click here for web page of the meeting

Click here for web page of PRSCO