Sohaimi Mohd Salleh (Waseda University)
This paper reviews the literature on the national information infrastructure
(NII) initiative in general and Malaysiafs NII in particular. In the advent
of information technology (IT) revolution and its positive impacts to the
productivity growth, the economic growth and international competitiveness,
almost every nation is looking for its very own NII as a strategic move
in its development strategies. The discussion in this paper emphasizes
on the science or technology parks in the context of physical infrastructure
in NII. In this context, the Malaysiafs NII, particularly the establishment
of the MSC is reviewed whereby the vision, experiences, issues and challenges
of the MSC were highlighted. The author contends that among major issues
and challenges which MSC needs to address are as follows: i) achieving
a critical mass of technical and management talent pool; ii) spawning and
nurturing critical mass of ICT entrepreneurs; iii) bridging the funding
gap between the ICT entrepreneurs and the investors, especially the venture
capitalists.; and iv) attracting world class ICT companies to have sizeable
operations and presence. Funding of ICT entrepreneurship constitutes the
core cause in the first three issues and challenges identified above. Thus,
there is an urgent need to address it in order for MSC to achieve its role
as the new engine of growth in the overall implementation of the Malaysianfs