Housing is a commodity, which is a bundle
of characteristics specific to a housing market,
tenure, income and other household
characteristics. Voluminous literature exists on
housing demand in which a quantitative
measure defined as housing services is used to
measure housing demand. Housing or, more
precise, the service stream from a housing
unit, is a heterogeneous commodity. Some
dimensions, such as age or size of structure,
are measured on continuous scale, others,
such as tenure or type of structure, are discrete
properties. Measuring the volume of housing
services as housing expenditure, as is done
in previous research, essentially ignores
the heterogeneity, and for large number of policy
purposes like impact of tax on tenure
choice, choice between owning and renting etc., the
distribution of housing consumption into
qualitatively different categories is of more
interest than an aggregate qualitative
measure of housing expenditure alone. Earlier
research has addressed the issues of
methodologies in housing demand estimation and
different market and related differences in
demand elasticities. The econometric theory of
joint discrete/continuous models is well
studied, and there exist a variety of applications.
However, there is paucity of research
applications to analyze housing demand using
discrete models. The limited research in
this area has focused only on American or
German housing markets. There is no
research on housing markets, which treats housing
demand as discrete choices, for Japan,
despite the economic importance of Japanese
economy. We model housing demand in Japan
using a discrete choice model. A nested
multinomial logit model (NMNL) as the basic
analytical tool for our analysis. The
microeconomic and econometric foundations
of NMNL models encompass the elegant
theory of housing economics of a utility
maximizing household. NMNL models impose a
hierarchical structure on the choice set
that can be visualized in the form of a decision
tree. Three dimensions of choice, tenure,
dwelling size (as number of rooms) and
structure type (as type of unit) generate
these steps of clustering. This paper estimates the
choice probabilities and demand
elasticities of various housing alternatives for Tokyo
using 1993 housing survey data for 23
wards. The paper concludes with policy